Last Day of Biology Honors 2014-2015

I really enjoyed this course. I actually loved learning about real world issues from Mr. Wong. As I sit in class right now, I see that I will miss this class next year. I feel like Mr. Wong is an awesome teacher, and I will miss his lessons. I learned many lessons during the two semesters of this class. I learned biology, but I also learned something more important: 

Always try your best

It doesn’t matter what grade you get

It matters what you learn.

Study biology because it is irrelevant.

Music and art and literature are adventures for the soul. That’s why you study biology.

We study things because it is relevant, but study biology because it is irrelevant. 

Study biology because it is beautiful, because you have an unquenchable thirst for learning. 

So, learn biology.

Thank You Mr. Wong!

Matthew Wong


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